OMSE Quality Control system is supported

Irrigation survey

Detailed Route Survey For Pipe Line

Road survey

Construction Setting Out

Cadastral Survey

Setting Outs Job For Infrastructure Development Works

Tunnel Survey

Carrying out detailed Topographical Survey

3D monitoring

Electromagnetic ground conductivity surveys
Service Overview
Irrigation Services
Surveyed and designed irrigation projects ranging in size from 5 hectares to 5,000 hectares. more>>
Road Surveys
Road Survey
Roads can be surveyed to determine the condition of the pavement  
Tunnel Surveys
construction sites are often vast. Apart from a competent technical execution of our work more>>
Rader Survey

GPR Survey and utility survey - (GPR)Ground Penetrating Radar

The Detector Duo is a dual frequency GPR for real time onsite detection of buried metallic and non metallic pipes and cables. The unit is based on a dual frequency antennae of 250MHz & 700MHz; The 250MHz frequency is for scanning and providing high resolution images of deep targets while the 700MHz is for scanning and providing high resolution images of shallow targets. The Detector Duo therefore provides the ability to locate the exact position of pipes and cables by a single scan (instead of changing antennas) - Saving time & increasing productivity. The unit also provides simultaneous display of both deep and shallow targets with extra soil penetration depth increasing detection performance and reducing possibility of operator error. The software provided by the system is extremely user friendly and allows the operator to view the image in multiple formats for precise identification. Also, the software provides the ability to mark the utility and type of utility in the image for future reference and also measure depth with accuracy.

Cable avoidance tools

Cable strikes result in death, injury and cause disruption of work and inconvenience. Underground cable location & avoidance is a critical activity that must be performed before and during excavation for any new campus building, industrial, road or telecom construction - Get some serious cable locating equipment on the job and make sure it gets used. Insist on the power, performance and quality of Cable Avoidance Tools.

The CAT XD has all the familiar user-friendly features of the standard model but delivers more power, more precision and has Depth measurement capability The CAT or CAT XD are used as standalone equipments for cable locating & avoidance. When used in conjunction with the SG-V signal generator, the equipments become a versatile pipe & cable locating system for line tracing route of underground services. The effectiveness of the pipe & locating system is further enhanced when accessories such as the signal clamp are used for coupling to a metallic cable or pipe. When used with the traceable rodder, the system can also route trace non metallic pipes.

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